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The Science Of Beauty How We Use Mathematics To Give You The Perfect Pout™

When you think of lip injections, you might imagine a process that simply involves derma fillers and little else. At EuroPhoria, we take a different approach. We focus on creating a shape and fullness that is customized to fit your face and natural lines. To do this, we use a specific approach that’s proven to give our clients the look they desire, and we have done so successfully for the past 10 years.

We Use The E-Line Measurement

We take beauty seriously. That’s why we use the e-line measurement. This measurement is different for each person. If you want a natural lip enhancement, this is the best way to achieve it. To determine this measurement, we draw a line from the tip of the nose to the tip of your chin. From there, we use this line as a guide. For the perfect final look, the bottom lip and the top lip reach somewhere in the 3 to 4 millimeter range from the top of this line. Ideally, the bottom lip is a bit closer to this line than the top.

Our goal is to make the bottom lip go up and then down and then up then down again, with a bit of a cleft in the center. This symmetry creates a gorgeous shape that defines your facial features and structures your lips for a luscious and beautiful finish. Unfortunately, many physicians do not use this approach, which causes lip injections to create sausage or duck lips—neither of which is attractive. If you want a naturally appealing pout, then the best route to go is with a natural E-line measurement and then lip injections.

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male and female with lip injections

The Power Of Color

Color is another way to enhance the beauty of your lips. Pale or white lips are typically seen as unattractive. Why? Because that color does not define the shape of your lips. Instead, it tones down any natural poutiness you may have and replaces it with a thin line that simply doesn’t look as good. Even skin color creates a youthful and healthy glow that is sure to create a longer-lasting and attractive final outcome.

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Using Shape To Naturally Enhance Your Beauty

Perhaps nothing has more effect on the attractiveness of your lips than shape. In a younger, more attractive pair of lips, you’ll see red through to the corner of your mouth.

On the top lip will be a bit of a curve in the center. This is also known as Cupid’s Bow. On top of this, you’ll also notice two ridges that start at the very peak of the Cupid’s Bow and extend to the nose. As we age, these flatten out.

If you really want to achieve perfectly pouty™ lips, then you may even invest in lip corrections. Your chosen professional should focus on getting as close to these natural symmetrical lines as possible to give beautiful and long-lasting luscious lips.

By following this simple formula, we help you achieve a pair of sultry and pouty lips that make you feel beautiful.

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