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Say “Yes” to Pleasure with EMSELLA

As women reach menopause, the vaginal muscles and tissues can lose their strength, elasticity, and blood flow. This can make it more challenging to orgasm or experience lasting pleasure due to reduced sensation in the vagina and clitoris. By strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, Emsella can increase sensation for easier, stronger orgasms and an overall more pleasurable sexual experience. 

EMSELLA machine

Enhance Your Orgasmic Potential

For those in Bakersfield seeking to improve their sexual and urinary health, Emsella offers some of the following benefits:

  • Increased confidence and quality of life
  • Decreased urinary incontinence
  • Higher sex drive
  • Enhanced sensitivity and sexual pleasure
  • Easier orgasms
  • Strengthens your pelvic floor
  • Sessions only take 30 minutes
  • Fully-clothed
  • Comfortable chair
  • No downtime required
  • Safe, effective, FDA-approved, and non-invasive
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How Does EMSELLA Work?

The pelvic muscles line the lower pelvic area and support your bladder, rectum, and reproductive organs. When these muscles weaken, it can lead to incontinence and a decreased sense of sexual ease and pleasure because you have less control over the function of these muscles.

Using electromagnetic currents, Emsella re-educates the pelvic floor muscles by delivering thousands of contractions that simulate a heavy workout. As the muscles strengthen, the support system provides better control over the bladder, improving urinary incontinence. 

Increased blood flow to the pelvic floor stimulates new collagen and fibroblast production, heightening sensitivity in the sex organs. Women experience a tighter vaginal opening and improved sensation in the vagina, clitoris, and labia. Men enjoy enhanced penile rigidity and control over ejaculation.

Improve Your Quality of Life

Because gravity and age affect the laxity of all human tissues, pelvic muscles can begin to sag over time without routine exercise. One Emsella treatment equals approximately 12,000 Kegels, allowing more activity than would be humanly possible without the power of its high-intensity electromagnetic currents. 

Emsella works best when begun at earlier stages of incontinence and pelvic floor weakness. Maintenance sessions can aid in keeping the pelvic muscles strong for prolonged periods. With stronger pelvic muscles, you can experience a boost in your self-confidence as well as your overall quality of life. 

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    Feel a Renewed Freedom

    With improved control over the pelvic floor muscles, not only can you release some of the worry associated with urinary incontinence, but you can also feel a boost in sexual freedom as your body responds more readily to the delicate whispers of desire. 

    With a renewed connection to your body’s intimate pleasure centers, Emsella can be the beginning of a new chapter. Our compassionate team at EuroPhoria is ready to empower you on your journey toward heightened sexual satisfaction. 


    How many sessions will I need?

    What kind of sensation can I expect from the Emsella treatment?

    When can I see the results?

    How many sessions will I need?

    Each individual will receive a customized treatment plan based on their current condition and desired results. Most patients experience optimal results from a series of six sessions – two per week for three weeks.

    What kind of sensation can I expect from the Emsella treatment?

    As the muscles contract, it is common to feel tingling in the pelvic floor. This sensation is not painful, and you can resume your daily activities after your Emsella treatment. Because Emsella exercises the pelvic muscles, you may experience some mild soreness akin to what you would feel post-workout.

    When can I see the results?

    Each patient’s results may depend on the severity of the condition they are treating. Some patients may see an improvement after the first session. However, the results indeed continue to improve in the following weeks. During your initial consultation, you will receive more information about what you can expect from the treatment and outcomes.

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