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By waxing more frequently… Hair grows back softer, finer, more sparse, and eases out with less pain. Waxing every 4 weeks equals silky, smooth, beautiful skin!

Model in bikni who got waxing treatment

Did You Know?

Waxing provides many benefits — and they aren’t just aesthetic.

Of course, you’ll experience less chance of ingrown hairs (ouch!) and absolutely no risk of nicks and cuts. You’ll also notice less itching and prickliness because, unlike with a razor that cuts hairs at an angle, waxing provides a clean straight removal that pulls hairs from the root. Hello, smoothness for much longer!

We offer waxing for all over your body, including your face, arms, legs, toes, back, underarms, chest, and stomach. And, yes, of course we offer Brazilians as well.

*Prices subject to change without notice

white flowers in vase


Brazilian Female $67 $63 €65
Brazilian Male $84 $80 €82
Bikini Full Female $56 $52 €54
Bikini Full Male $70 $66 €68
Bikini Line Female $48 $44 €46
Bikini Line Male $60 $56 €58
Underarm $28 $24 €26
Full Leg Female $86 $82 €84
Full Leg Male $129 $125 €127
Half Leg Female $54 $50 €52
Half Leg Male $81 $77 €79
Full Arm  $53 $49 €51
Half Arm $45 $41 €43
Toes/ Fingers $18 $14 €16
Full Back $76 $72 €74
Half Back $31 $27 €29
Neck $16 $12 €14
Chest $39 $35 €37
Abdomen $38 $34 €36
Abdomen Strip $17 $13 €15
Hands/Feet $19 $15 €17
Buttocks Female $31 $27 €29
Buttocks Male $39 $35 €37
Inner Thigh $23 $19 €21
Shoulders $31 $27 €29


Full Face $63 $59 €61
Lip, Chin, Nose, Ears $16 $12 €14
Brow $23 $19 €21

Waxing Enhancement

Prescription Grade Numbing Cream


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(661) 847-4772
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